In his national address last night, the BushBot 3000 sounded like a broken record of greatest hits on the war on terror. "Good evening. Five years ago, this date -- September the 11th -- was seared into America's memory. ... Today, we are safer, but we are not yet safe. ... On 9/11, our nation saw the face of evil. Yet on that awful day, we also witnessed something distinctly American: ordinary citizens rising to the occasion, and responding with extraordinary acts of courage. ... Since the horror of 9/11, we've learned a great deal about the enemy. We have learned that they are evil and kill without mercy -- but not without purpose. We have learned that they form a global network of extremists who are driven by a perverted vision of Islam -- a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent...." Et cetera et cetera et cetera. Without, as usual, any trace of irony.
Norbizness has generously summarized the address, with the caveat: "Hopefully this will be my last re-mix/shortening for a while, as they will discover that his continued lines of partisan bullshit five years play about as well as a Color Me Badd medley by Sepultura... or was it Pantera?... at the 1991 Monsters of Rock concert."
I'd like the share that hope, but I fear on the subject that the Bush administration might stop using partisan bullshit, I am utterly hopeless.
(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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