A Dose of Simple Juice

Even when I sort of agree with the premise behind something Bush says, I still disagree with the way he says it, because he is a total fuckwit simpleton who is incapable of seeing anything in more than one dimension:

"The simple act of teaching a child to read or an adult to read has the capacity to transform nations and yield the peace we all want," the president said at the White House Conference on Global Literacy being hosted in New York by the first lady. "You can't realize the blessings of liberty if you can't read a ballot."
Literacy alone does not, in fact, have the capacity to transform nations or “yield peace.” Literacy is integral to the type of education that is a foundation of free and egalitarian societies, rooted in widespread opportunity and active political participation, but literacy in and of itself is only as valuable as the material one is reading. I don’t know what the literacy rate in Nazi Germany was, but I’m guessing it was pretty high. Of course, when you’re largely reading extremist, anti-Semitic propaganda, all that spectacular literacy isn’t going to transform a nation into a paragon of peace-yielding.

And what bloody nerve to go on about reading a ballot being the key to realizing the blessings of liberty. How about having your ballot be fucking counted? While GOP operatives are off preparing to exploit every loophole in the Voting Rights Act come November to suppress voters who are likely to vote for Democrats, their douche of a leader is warbling about the blessings of liberty realized in reading a ballot. Give me a break.

"You can't have prosperity unless people can read. It's just as simple as that," Bush said. "To be a productive worker you have to be able to read the manual."
Deep Thoughts by George Bush. What a genius. Maybe he ought to take his own advice and stop wasting his time (and ours) with this ridiculous rubbish and go read his job manual, so he can start being a productive worker.

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