
After investigating peaceful activist groups like the Raging Grannies, it looks like the FBI has finally realized that maybe they should investigate groups fanning the flames of war, rather than the ones trying to end it. And it couldn't happen to a nicer group of dirtbags. Yep, Little Green Footballs has been investigated by the FBI for anti-Muslim threats.

Mercy me, I do believe I have the vapors.
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights organization often vilified on Johnson's blog, calls Little Green Footballs "a vicious, anti-Muslim hate site . . . that has unfortunately become popular."

The irony, Hooper says, is that if the same kind of "hatred" that appears on LGF appeared on Muslim sites, it soon would be used by LGF's fans to justify their worldview...

The FBI, according to Hooper, recently investigated several threats of physical harm against Muslims posted by Little Green Footballs readers.

Johnson acknowledges the investigation but says Hooper's organization initiated the complaints to try to stifle free speech on his blog.
Emphasis theirs. More at the link, including Johnson's ludicrous response.

I'm just amazed that the FBI is actually paying attention to a group that specializes in hatespeech and eliminationist rhetoric. You know, the ones that might be a real danger.

(Night boat to cross-post...)

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