Ode to the Weatherpeople

You let us know when we need to take a sweater, or an umbrella, just in case. You let us know whether we should hold off on watering the lawn and washing the car, whether we should stock up on canned goods and make sure the snowblower’s in working order. And when all the rest of us head indoors to escape the rain, the sleet, the hail, the wind—that’s when you finally get to leave the studio, sent into the inclement weather to give your report on impending storms the ultimate veracity. “100 mph winds” doesn’t mean anything without seeing your yellow parka nearly ripped off your body. You risk your own warmth, dryness, safety, and pride to protect us—and get good ratings for your employer. So it’s no wonder you’re all a little nuts. (Via Recon.) The first one on the list is just priceless.

Best weatherman ever? Brick Tamland.

Close runner-up: Harris K. Telemacher

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