Journalists' abduction continues

The kidnapping in Gaza of FOX News reporter and cameraman team Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig enters its third day. Anita McNaught, a BBC World television presenter and wife to Wiig, made a televised appeal for their release:

"The bottom line is, there is no good reason for these two men to be held," said McNaught, a freelance television journalist. "They are friends of the Palestinians. They are here telling the Palestinian story for weeks now, when the rest of the world's media has not been here."

Directing her words to her husband in the on-camera interview and choking back tears, McNaught said: "It's going to be all right. You are going to come home to me."

Wiig is a citizen of New Zealand; that nation has engaged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in discussions over the welfare of the journalists. While the kidnapping bears similarities to past abductions committed by the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, no group has yet stepped forward to claim responsibility - not an encouraging sign.

Steve Centanni is a national correspondent for FOX News and has been with the network since its launch in 1996. Olaf Wiig is a freelance camera operator who has worked on documentaries in Britain and New Zealand.


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