Did He Get a Lollipop?

So, Bush is in good health.
WASHINGTON - President Bush says his annual physical shows him in fine shape — though he's a little upset about those extra five pounds he's packed on.

After a nearly four-hour physical exam, Bush's doctors on Tuesday pronounced him in good health and "fit for duty," the White House said.


The exam was at the National Naval Medical Center. A fuller report from Bush's doctors was to be released by the White House late Tuesday.

Snow said the president's resting heart rate was 46, similar to the 47 at his exam last July and in the range of a well-trained athlete, and that his total cholesterol of 174 was his best ever. Below 200 is a desirable cholesterol level, and Bush's was 178 last year.

"I'll direct you toward the test results, but he's still healthier than we are," Snow said.

Bush remarked that the Bethesda, Md., hospital, where he usually undergoes his annual exam, is an "amazing operation."

Meanwhile, more than 41 Million Americans wish they could afford a physical.

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