Forbes took down the story we discussed yesterday after this mean feminist and other mean feminists posted about it, but they have reposted it with a counter-point by a mean feminist.
Slate’s Jack Shafer issues an apologia on Forbes’ behalf, but warns against his mean feminist “female readers break[ing] their nails pounding out angry e-mails to me” if they don’t like what he has to say. Still, if you must, he says, they can “Bore [him] with your fury.”
Mean feminist Jill has a response to Shafer here.
Meanwhile, mean feminist Jessica makes one wonder if Shafer realizes he’s arguing in defense of a writer who believes that women are commodities—and very specifically that “wives and whores are—if not exactly like Coke and Pepsi—something akin to champagne and beer. The same sort of thing.”
Mean feminist Amanda has more on the entire kafuffle here.
Mean feminist Shakes: Out.
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