King Cranky suggested that this coming Monday, we blogswarm to call attention to the one-year anniversary of Katrina. Bush is warning against paying attention to it, because of course it not only reminds people about his administration’s catastrophically inept response, but also highlights how fall short reconstruction efforts have fallen. The job of clearing debris still hasn’t been finished a year later. Tens of thousands of families still live in “temporary” housing a year later. Decisions about rebuilding and improving flood defenses have not been made a year later. And all Bush can do is make speeches and visit NOLA for photo-ops, while offering up “bureaucratic hurdles” as an excuse as to why things are still so fucked up a year later.
The administration just wants to get through to the fifth anniversary of September 11, which they'll turn into a celebration of their supposed stupendous successes against terrorism, and blow right by the first anniversary of Katrina. Let’s not let them.
King Cranky: “With the anniversary of Katrina upon us, it's time to reflect on what we all saw happen in the storms aftermath with New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Lonely deaths, an unbelievably inefficient governmental response, especially at the federal level, destruction of lives, hopes, and dreams, and an exodus of victims unable to return to their homes. All the damage and deaths that occurred needn't have happened, not without a major helping of massive corruption at all levels of government. The corruption continues, as does the administration's shameful neglect of restoring the region. The people failed by our government deserve no less than a call for remembrance and accountability, and neither do we as taxpayers and citizens.”
So, this Monday, let’s remember and hold them accountable. If you blog it, email me your link and I’ll do a round-up. A lot of flashlights all pointed in one place can become a spotlight.
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