Charles Barkley [former NBA MVP, who is considering running as a Democratic candidate for governor in his home state of Alabama] was … a Republican until recently, saying he switched parties when the Republicans "lost their minds." He said he is troubled by some of the actions of people in the United States in the name of religion.Anyone else getting tired of thinking “I’d vote for this actor / basketball player / comedian / businessperson / dude with whom I just shared an elevator / 8-year-old child / quick-witted mongrel / lamp post in a heartbeat over Bush”? Sigh. It seems like there’s almost no one who understands America less than the man currently charged with leading it.
"Religious people in general are so discriminatory against other people, and that really disturbs me," he said. "My idea of religion is we all love and respect. We all sin, but we still have common decency and respect for other people. So right now I'm struggling with my idea of what religion is."
He also said he supports gay marriage.
"I think if they want to get married, God bless them," Barkley said.
…"When you get elected to public office, you're supposed to represent everybody. Your job is not to take care of the rich or the poor or the black or the white. Your job is to take care of everybody."
(Hat tip Pam.)
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