Get Back to Work, You Goddamned Idiots! (AGAIN)

Since Spudsy’s not around, and I miss him, I felt compelled to channel him in order to deal with this preposterous bit of Congressional dogwank:

House debate on a bill to protect the Pledge of Allegiance from legal challenges because of the "under God" phrase erupted in heated rhetoric Wednesday with lawmakers from both parties using religious references to support their side.

…"This is a joke," said Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., "that this majority would talk about God and yet not even work to raise the wages of the very people that are taking care of the children of God."

The bill's sponsor, Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., said America was a nation of God-given inalienable rights and that's why the country is in a war against "radical Islamists." Democrats wouldn't want to "cut and run" in Iraq, he said, "if they understood the importance of those basic principles and that inalienable rights are impossible without a recognition of God and that's why the pledge bill is important and not irrelevant or trivial."
The Pledge Protection Bill (*ack gag retch*) is just another plank of Congressional Republicans’ “American Values Agenda,” which also includes, in addition to the marriage amendment defeated yesterday, “a ban on human cloning, a bill requiring women seeking late-term abortions to be informed that the fetus feels pain, an Internet gambling ban bill that has passed the House and several gun rights bills.” Because what Americans are really worried these days is making sure they have guns to fight the married gay clones who convince women to have whimsical late-term abortions so they can dedicate their days instead to online gambling. Fucking tools.

(Hat tip to Aunt Elinor Fights Crime.)

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