The Courage of Lieutenant Watada: “When Lieutenant Ehren Watada's Army unit from Fort Lewis, WA leaves for Mosul in northern Iraq this month, he will not be among them. The 28-year-old Army officer will formally refuse today to ship out when his unit deploys to Iraq… The young officer, who attempted to resign his commission in January -- his request was denied -- is not eligible for conscientious-objector status as he does not object to all wars, just the one the Bush administration is conducting in Iraq.”
Go read the whole thing.
Predictably, Xenophobia Warrior Princess has a post up labeling him a “deserter, not a ‘dissenter’” with all sorts of comments from her wingnut readers, and has posted a picture of him labeled “The face of a deserter.” I’m not giving her a link, because if your blood pressure reacts the way mine did when I saw it, I don’t want to be responsible for your ill health.
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