Oh, Joy!

Have you heard the most excellent news? We're finally reaching a turning point in Iraq!
CHICAGO - President Bush on Monday embraced the new leadership in Iraq as a turning point in the war but claimed only gradual progress in years of fighting and acknowledged that Americans are uneasy about the outcome.

"I can understand why people are concerned about whether or not our strategy can succeed because our progress is incremental," Bush said in his first speech since the swearing in of a new government over the weekend. "Freedom is moving but it's in incremental steps, and the enemy's progress is almost instant on their TV screens."

The president acknowledged the American lives lost in Iraq, past mistakes and tough days to come. He repeatedly returned to the word "incremental" to describe progress there.
Awww. Prezint Mushmouth learned a new word. They're so cute when they're learnin' stuff. Karl certainly earned his paycheck this week.

Thank goodness we're finally turning the corner.

Happy, happy. Joy, joy.

(Don't whiz on the electric cross-post.)

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