Conservatives are Assholes

Part whatever in an ongoing series. They Hate the Truth—Internet Edition.

[T]he right-wing movement has just turned its attention to the free nature of the internet. No, this is no joke. There's a really nasty bill threading through Congress put out by telco-funded Joe Barton that will basically wreck the ability of ordinary people to use the internet, making the web the province of large and well-capitalized companies. Barton's bill will allow telecom companies to charge people for putting up web sites, blogging, using VOIP services, IMing, or anything else. It will allow them to discriminate against certain types of content, and yes, that's an ominous and very bad step. Congressman Markey is working against it, and for the principle of 'net neutrality'.

This is scary stuff. The right-wing used to be against regulation; as it turns out, they just want to privatize who gets to regulate.
I believe the name of this bill is “Wouldn’t it be cool if we could all get rich off making it harder for lefties to organize?”


And when I say "Conservatives are Assholes," of course I mean only the conservatives that are actually assholes. Which is to say, all of them.

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