
Steven E. Jones , a Brigham Young University physics professor, has written a paper claiming the WTC collapses were likely caused by explosives and is calling for an independent, international scientific investigation "guided not by politicized notions and constraints but rather by observations and calculations.”

I admit I find this really intriguing. I know there are a lot of conspiracy theories about this, but it really bothers me that the official explanation is that fires caused structural damage that caused the buildings to collapse. Even wood frame buildings can burn for longer without collapsing. I remember reading about a hotel that was in flames for nineteen hours without collapsing.

Anyway, nothing will come of this, I’m sure, and maybe Jones is just a crackpot, but I still find this stuff pretty interesting. Especially because little things like how George Bush's brother owned the company in charge of security for the WTC never made the news. Call me a tinfoil hatter, but that seems like a pretty amazing coincidence. It certainly seems like something that would have been worth mentioning, even if only as a curiosity.

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