This is Res

See Res run.

See Res bark.

See Res snark.

Dear Reader, let me introduce you to my little friend. No, not that little friend! This is Straw Man. He also goes by the name “Old School Activist”. He “harkens” [bwahahahaha!] back to the 60’s and 70’s, when he damaged his mind with Reefer Madness and lots of acid. His ideas are ideologically pure, but have no application in the world beyond his herbal tea cup, and could never make any difference at the policy level.

He has the unique characteristic of being completely two-dimensional, because he’s a cardboard cutout. He was educated in an economy that did not yet value “proactiveness” (because bullshit pseudo-words like “proactiveness” would not be invented until the 1980’s), so he earns his keep in his commune by spinning macramé plant-hangers out of his own armpit-hair. Some Moonie told him to do this circa 1967, and he just kept on doing it, because he lacks self-initiative can only knows how to do what he’s told…

If you’d had a voucher, you’d know that problem-solving was invented in 1991, right before the invention of “inconcievable” tools that allowed New School Activist to instantaneously know everything about anything at all times and in any place, causing him to evolve beyond crude flesh to become a being of pure light and energy. This blinding overbeing is composed of pure thought, and has no need for your pitiful “leaders” or “media” to tell him what’s “right”. Nor has he any need for your primitive “spelling”. His consciousness transverses the universe at the speed of thought, for he has uploaded himself to t3h 1nt3rn3tz!!1!
Read the whole thing. It’s a beautiful take-down of what Res aptly describes in his comments as a “turbo-crappy essay” by Kos, an essay in which is manifest all the arrogance and flat-out disdain for the liberal tradition that many of us hold dear and wonder why it’s become a bartering chip for so many self-identified “progressives” who would toss it away like so much moldy bread if only we can just win.

Yesterday, I linked to this article by David Sirota on Partisan War Syndrome, and if you haven’t read it yet, do. There are people who care about principle, and not marginalizing issues of importance to large swaths of the liberal base, and who see, quite clearly, that it is the continued contempt for the expression of a firm liberal ideology that is what loses us elections, not the other way around.

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