Dr. Marble

Ben Marble is an emergency room physician, an organizer of breast cancer fundraisers, an alt-rocker, and an artist. He also lost his home in Hurricane Katrina, like lots of other people. But there’s something that makes him special.

He’s the man who told Dick Cheney to go fuck himself.
Marble, who was wearing an old Mr. T "I Pity Da Fool" t-shirt since he was sifting through the wreckage, asked a couple of police officers if he and a friend could walk down to Cheney. They told him Cheney was "looking forward” to talking to “the locals.”

"So we grabbed my Canon digital rebel and my Sony videocamera and started walking down the street," Marble wrote. "And then right in front of the destroyed tennis court I used to play on Dick Cheney was giving a pep rally, talking to the press. The Secret Service guys patted us down and waved the wands over us, and then let us pass."

As he stood about 10 feet away from Cheney and his friend and some camera operators from CNN and other media filmed the scene, Marble suddenly yelled, "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney! Go fuck yourself, you asshole!"
You can read the rest of his account, including his experience being briefly detained, here. He’s also got a couple of snaps here, as part of his website, HurricaneKatrinaSucked.com.

Thank you, Dr. Marble, for saying what we’d all loved to have said given the opportunity, you cheeky little hero.

(Hat tip to Shaker Deborah. Thanks, D!)

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