Achy-Breaky Heart

The following conversation just took place in the Shakes household…

Mr. Shakes: Did you ’ear that Zellweger’s marriage is already oover?

Shakes: Uh huh. Fraud? What’s up with that?

Mr. Shakes: He was proobably gay.

Shakes: Oh! You think?

Mr. Shakes: Too’ally. Doon’t you fink ‘fraud’ soonds like a coode word withoot really saying what it was? It’s better than saying ’e woodn’t fook me.

Shakes: I never even thought of that.

Mr. Shakes: I canny believe you didn’t fink of that one.

Shakes: ‘Gay’ and ‘She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy’ just can’t exist in the same sentence in my brain.

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