Arrrr... it be Science!

Rarely is the question asked: Is our monkeys learning?

In response to yesterday's post on the doggy cloning, Devo, that silly little monkey, had this to say:

This is most certainly a huge story, it seems. Though I would like a little clarification on exactly what the phrase "creating a reliable research model" means. I mean, how is the process updated, different, or better than the process they used to create Dolly? Are they going to research Snuppy? How will the results of this research be different from the results of whatever research they did on Dolly?

I'm confused. And no good at science or math. So anyone who can explain will have to do so in short sentences and two-syllable words. Oh, and pictures, if you can. Preferrably with pirates and monkeys. Thanks!

The Chemist, picking up Devo's cry for help on his super sensitive atomic detect-o equipment, located thousands of miles below the Earth's crust, came immediately to the rescue:

OK, Devo, I'll give it a shot...

Imagine that there are a bunch of pirates who want to take over an island and rebuild it into a pirate paradise. The island is in bad shape, and needs some major structural repairs. Now, the pirates could do it themselves, but they'd rather be drinking grog and screwing wenches.

So, they decide to train a bunch of monkeys to do the hard work for them. The first few monkeys they train just fling poop at the island, and don't build anything. This is a problem for the pirates, as they have to drink their grog and screw their wenches outside on the beach. While the view is beautiful, sand is getting everywhere.

So the pirates buckle down and focus on creating a training program for the monkeys, so they can pump out trained primates capable of putting up drywall, or laying a foundation, or installing a toilet. Finally they do, and it leads to comfort and long life for all the pirates.

Now, replace 'pirates' with 'South Korean researchers', 'monkeys' with 'specially cloned organs', and the island with the human body. It still won't make sense, but at least it'll sound more science-y.

Absolute brilliance. Class is dismissed.

That is the gay-est pirate I've ever seen.

(Good heavens, Miss Sakomoto! You're cross-posting!)

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