Oh my GOD – Continued

An addendum to Paul’s post, below, about the father who beat his 3-year-old son to death because he thought he might be gay…

First of all, the father, Ronnie Paris, Jr., has been convicted of second-degree murder and aggravated child abuse.

Secondly, I wasn’t able to find an answer to the question many of us were asking: What behavior in a three-year-old possibly could have indicated that he might be gay? The closest I came was this:
''He was trying to teach him how to fight,'' said Shanita Powell, Nysheerah Paris' sister. ''He was concerned that the child might be gay.''

Even Sheldon Bostic, who was Ronnie Paris Jr.'s Bible-study friend, said he warned the father several times not to play so rough with his son.

''He really did what other fathers do - slap box,'' Bostic said. ''He always said he didn't want his son growing up to be pushed around.''

''Did Ronnie use a term for that?'' asked Jalal Harb, an assistant state attorney.

''He didn't want him to be a sissy,'' Bostic said.

It doesn’t even sound as though it was something like the kid enjoyed playing with dolls or something equally as innocuous that may be have been misconstrued through the lens of homophobia as somehow “gay.” It sounds like this baby cried when his father hit him, and so his father decided he was a “sissy.” What an absolute monster.

And on a side note, how many of your father’s “slap boxed” with you when you were three years old, or for that matter, at any time??? I don’t even know what “slap boxing” is. What idiocy. And what a stellar Bible-study participant Mr. Bostic is, who hasn’t even managed to learn that God doesn’t want you beating your kids.

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