John Howard Secretly Rules the Universe

Don’t doubt it. It’s true.

If he hadn’t been the first to comment on this blog, I might have just packed it in after awhile, because it was starting to seem pretty pointless. But he did, so I kept going.

And if he hadn’t started reading the novel I started blogging, and liked it, and complained about there not being a link on this page so he could access the other one more easily, I wouldn’t have added it. But he did, so now it’s added. You can find it in the lefthand menu.

The entire thing is online now, and for anyone who’s reading it, comments are welcome, of both positive and negative sorts.

Thank you, John—for your input and encouragement, and your humor and insight. And for authoring the hottest blog on the internets, which is always one of the highlights of my day.

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