Especially when you read the original post based on which the action that reeks of much suckitude was taken.
The killer bit for me was the eradication of RJ’s work. Highly unclassy. As Gordon notes in the comments thread here:
I'd feel bad if Fixer told me to kick rocks and gave me no reason and dumped my posts, too…Totally.
I should add that Fixer would tell me why in no uncertain terms and probably send me a disc with my posts. That's the difference between a stand-up guy and a weasel.
Of course, I can’t even remotely begin to imagine what kind of out-of-line horseshit Paul or Mr. F would have to post for me to ban either one of them, no less delete all his work from the blog. And RJ’s post wasn’t even in the same neighborhood, the same fucking state, as warranting such an extreme response, even if Mr. BOP News Wanker did have dinner with John Edwards. The post didn’t strike me as rude or insulting or reactionary or even particularly emotional; this egregious decision seems purely based on RJ’s criticism of Edwards. Fucking hell—I don’t care if Howard Dean was my goddamned conjoined twin; if Paul or Mr. F wanted to criticize something Dean did with which they disagreed, that’s sort of the point of a democracy, isn’t it? Fuck.
This whole thing is completely antithetical to my understanding of what it means to be a liberal. Very disappointing.
And as an aside, I wouldn’t support a candidate who discouraged or flatly disallowed criticism (not that I think it was an edict from Edwards). If I wanted to vote for someone like that, I’d have voted for Bush.
In any case, you can still find RJ at his blog Night Light and at Skippy, where he’s a contributor.
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