Just after midnight edition...
The Cranky Liberal Pages, which has been looooooooong overdue to be added to my blogroll. A terrible oversight.
Pesky Apostrophe, which is, indeed, always better than an unexpected period, and you need to check out if for no other reason than to dig its groovy look.
The Republic of T, written by a black gay father vegetarian Buddhist liberal. A little something for everyone!
Cupie Spew!, a blog at which you’ll find all kinds of goodness, fun, and sass.
Cutting to the Chase, where you’ll find a blend of politics, pop culture, and other good stuff, always with a decent dose of snark. Since I kept meaning to post on Mr. Bloody Chainsaw, but never got around to it, read Chase’s post instead.
Bob Harris, which is another blog that should have been here a long time ago. Luckily, Paul the Spud has been giving him his due props even though I fell down on the job.
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