Downing Street Memo: Awaken the Media

The Big Brass Alliance, in addition to supporting Congressman John Conyers’ and’s efforts to pursue a formal inquiry into the administration’s actions leading up to the Iraq war, is also throwing its weight behind the Awaken the Mainstream Media campaign started by Daily Kos diarist smintheus.

Each day, smintheus will be posting a new diary identifying three media contacts to be emailed, faxed, and/or called to politely request they report on the Downing Street Memo.

The campaign started yesterday with the following three media contacts:

(A) CBS Evening News. email: phone: 212-975-3247

(B) Associated Press. email: phone: 202-776-9400 (DC) or 212-621-1500 (National News)

(C) C-Span Washington Journal. email:

Today’s alert is for the following:

A) ABC News. email: phone: 212-456-4040

(B) PBS NewsHour. email: phone: 703-739-5000

(C) The Baltimore Sun, Public Editor Paul Moore. email: phone: 410-332-6364

Smintheus notes:
Please note that the third contact, The Baltimore Sun, is a special case for us. Its long history of producing outstanding investigative series and hard-nosed political reporting often has provided a valuable counterweight in D.C. to the bland or indifferent journalism of bigger newspapers. We would like to encourage them to live up to that proud tradition. Though they do not have the same resources as WaPo or NYT, The Sun is still capable of breaking the DSM story wide open. Our goal is to convince them to do that, much more than to pass judgment on their lack of coverage thus far.
Let’s get busy letting the mainstream media know we’d like them to cover the Downing Street Memo. Let them know how important this story is.

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