Downing Street Documents: Action Alerts

Lots of stuff happening today.

1. The hearings on the Downing Street Memo have been moved to 2:30 at the U.S. Capitol (still tomorrow). In the interim, please contact your Congress Members and Senators to support the hearings. You can find a list of talking points for lobbying Congress here.

2. Also very important - CONTACT THE MEDIA and politely request that they cover the hearings. Specifically, look for the Washington Bureau Chiefs of the networks, cable news stations, major newspapers, and wires. (My home internet went down again so I've been having trouble doing research - if someone has this information available and can send it to me, I will distribute.)

3. Don't forget about the Live Chat tonight at 8:30 EST at the BBA main page. (Click on Live Chat.)

4. Other important links to check out if you haven't already:

Raw Story's list of the new Downing Street Documents with links to pdfs, players, dates, and key points.

A wiki set up by BBA member Kevin Baas. Very useful information and a good resource. Kevin is very active on the BBA Forums and will no doubt be happy to answer questions concerning the wiki.

And make sure to check in with the Alliance News Thread often at the Forums - Misty is doing a great job of posting current info there. And thanks to Pam for changing the Forum to be accessible by registered users only - we lasted quite awhile without a troll infestation, but nothing gold can stay, Ponyboy.

Thank you all for the amazing work you're doing. Keep it up, keep pushing, keep swarming, and keep the faith.

(And keep sending your posts to The Heretik and Freiheit und Wissen for inclusion in the round-ups!)

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