Bill O'Reilly is upset with Michael Kinsley. Michael Kinsley thinks that one way to restore America's -- sorry, what is it? -- oh, right, prestige in the world is to give the prisoners at Guantanamo legal representation. Bill cried appeasement! He thought Kinsley meant that giving Guantanamo prisoners lawyers would restore America's standing among mujahedeen.
Some on the right seems to think that America's prestige is only down with tyrannies. Rush Limbaugh said just that on his program. Unfortunately, America's stock is down in the free world. When Democrats talk about loss of prestige they mean among the free countries of the world, not among dictatorships. So, they could just be a misunderstanding. Because Republicans are stupid.
Shaken, Not Stirred…and Very Dry
A lovely little bit of dry snark from Shaker John Lombard, who also authors the generously named blog Trust Me, You Have No Idea How Much I Hate Bush -- And Dick Isn't That Great, Either:
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