The Real Mushroom Cloud

They're going for it. The Nuclear Option will be used Tuesday.

Bob Harris has more.

Do you like laws that protect workers and the environment? Do you like (what remains anyway) of our clean water, decent public schools, and minimum wage? Do you like your ability to choose when to bring life into this world and how you decide to leave it? Do you enjoy still having the barest protections over who can enter your home or access your personal and financial history?

That won't all change immediately. But if we lose this one, it's all in serious jeopardy.

Let's make some noise.

UPDATE: Driftglass has more. Along with some funny Sunday morning snark. Excerpt:

Dear Leader has gotten 96% of this judges through. The whole imbroglio boils down to ten judges. Ten.

205 confirmed. Ten held up.

What do you honestly think would happen if you went before the American people (the ones who can count to twenty without taking off the shit-kickers) and proposed this: “As a compromise, between zero and 100 percent...we’ll give you 96%. And viewed against the backdrop of what you yourself did to President Clinton’s nominees -- kill off 25 of them – we’ll only ask for less than half of that. We’ll only ask for ten.”

Sound’s like a good deal to me. Shit, sound’s like a GREAT deal. Sounds like near-total victory on one side and near-total capitulation on the other.

How do the Ultra Conservatives react?

Nuke the Senate. Shoot the wounded. Win at all costs. And anything less than 100% of the Ultra Right Wing agenda 100% of the time is somehow worse that the Crucifixation.

Worth pulling down the temple.

(Cross Posted for her pleasure)

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