Which general area has President Bush mismanaged most egregiously? Is it the war on terror? The economy? Science in general? What do you think, and why?I replied: Is "the entire country" too broad? Because, honestly, I can't think of one thing I believe he hasn't egregiously mismanaged.
Which, in turn, inspired my Question of the Day, which is: Can you praise a single decision, policy, action, initiative, program, anything relating to Bush’s presidency? I mean, give me a name, any name, and I can usually come up with something pretty quickly, because I’m generally not an all-or-nothing analyst of politicians. Richard Nixon: EPA. Reagan: Department of Veterans Affairs. It’s usually not that difficult to come up with something praise-worthy. But I’m wracking my brain, and I can’t think of anything.
The Department of Homeland Security is the closest I can come, but aside from not considering it a Bush administration idea, since it was championed by Dems long before 9/11, I can’t consider it well-managed because it isn’t actually functioning as intended, and I can tell you from personal experience that the operations performed by DHS that used to be the province of the now-defunct INS are appallingly dysfunctional. So I’m at a loss. What have you got?
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