Mean Boring Bush Makes Little Girl Cry

Oh, no…ha ha ha.
[Brittany Fish], who is now 7, was abducted from her scooter in Syracuse a year ago and found alive a day later in DeWitt. She was in Washington to meet the president in honor of National Missing Children's Day. About 30 people were invited to meet the president, including Fish and her mom, Patty DeMore.


Apparently Bush launched into a rather long-winded speech about the significance of the Oval Office. Brittany - usually a bundle of giggles - got antsy, complained she was bored, then started to cry…

After the meeting, the president called Brittany over to him for a one-on-one chat.

"He apologized for being so boring and gave her a presidential pin," [Brittany’s stepfather James DeMore] said.

James DeMore said he wished more than one parent was allowed to attend the ceremony.

"I'm really the Bush supporter of the house," he said. "Patty's a Democrat."
Then I’m surprised Patty wasn’t in tears right along with her poor kid.

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