…the Westboro Baptist Church members' recent visit to picket the Durham School of the Arts production of The Laramie Project and several gay-accepting churches in the area, including St. Luke's Episcopal -- where a burning cross was actually found. I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but come on people…No kidding. Plus, incidents of violent crime against gays have been increasing steadily, almost in direct proportion to the frequency with which anti-gay legislation is being proposed, with the impetus in the sudden rise tracking with the president’s first big push for an anti-gay marriage amendment. The GOP leadership has made the hatred of gays a major political motivator; why anyone would not suspect that perhaps cross burnings immediately following a visit from a prominent anti-gay crusader could be related is beyond me.
Durham Cross Burning Update
Pam’s got a follow-up on the cross burnings in Durham, including images of vigils and speculation about motives. One of the interesting things Pam notes is that the possibility that they were a message of intolerance against the LGBT community isn’t really being considered with any seriousness, in spite of…
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