Mein Gott!

A LEADING candidate for pope was in the Hitler Youth and saw service in the German army.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is nicknamed The Panzer Cardinal and God's Rottweiler because of his rigorous defence of the faith.

The 78-year-old German joined the young Nazi movement in Bavaria aged 14 in 1941.
And further uh-oh:
At one point, he guarded a factory where slaves from a concentration camp were forced to work. He was later shipped to Hungary, where he reportedly saw Jews persecuted.
Well, I know who’s got the Gibson family vote.

This obviously isn’t news, because I remember an episode of Law & Order from awhile ago that obviously borrowed the story. It was news to me, though.

Shouldn’t this automatically preclude him from consideration, or does the Catholic church really not give a shit about Jews (or anyone or anything else but itself) anymore?

(Pam’s got more here.)

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