The Hollywood Walk of Fame is really
going downhill:
The host of "American Idol" has become an idol himself.
Ryan Seacrest was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Wednesday in a ceremony attended by his Fox TV colleagues, "Idol" judges Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson and Simon Cowell.
"Listen, Simon," Jackson said to Cowell during their ceremonial speech. "What would we say about this day?"
"Ill-deserved," the famously grumpy Cowell replied, dryly. "I cannot believe that April the 20th is going to be Ryan Seacrest Day. I am officially taking this day off my diary."
At least megabitch extraordinaire Simon still has some sense. Of course, the best comment has to be from Seacrest himself:
After the ceremony Seacrest told AP Television News, "I actually thought it was a joke when I heard that they were going to do this."
Join the club, buddy.
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