Today’s recommendation is Katherine Dunn’s Geek Love, which is one of my favorite books; I’ve read it at least 4 or 5 times. The story is about the Binewskis, Al and Crystal Lil, the proprietors of a failing traveling circus who have the great idea to save it by breeding their own freak show. Imbibing various drugs and chemicals, they end up with quite the litter of sideshow attractions. The story jumps back and forth between the Binewski children’s childhood and the present day, where one of the Binewskis is stalking her own long lost daughter.
And with all of that, I gave absolutely nothing away you don’t find out at the beginning of the book. There’s tons of great weird and creepy and disturbing and sad and sometimes quite touching stuff in this book. The main reason I’m recommending it, though (and for those who have read it, don’t give anything away!), is that I want new readers to answer this question:
Who do the Arturians remind you of?
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