Republican majorities on the House and Senate veterans' affairs committees have voted to impose an enrollment fee of at least $230 a year on 2.4 million veterans - one of every three now eligible for Veterans Affairs Administration health care.Guh. And who’s fucking fault is that, dickheads?
Both [Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho] and [Rep. Steve Buyer, R-Ind.], in separate letters to their budget committees, said difficult choices have to be made this year, given a tight VA budget and the number of new veterans returning from war with severe injuries.
I don't suppose those rich bitches who voted your greedy asses into office would be willing to spare part of their precious tax cut so our veterans don't have to pay an enrollment fee to get access to healthcare so they can get treatment for, among other things, wounds incurred in a war you support but are unwilling to fight?
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