Poetic Leanings’ Scott has begun the whimsically named (and easily remembered) PLDPCRS: Poetic Leanings Democratic Presidential Contender Ranking System. It will be an ongoing analysis of the top contenders for the ’08 nomination. Here are the current Top 7, according to Scott:

1. Hillary Clinton - Can't win in red states, but she has the money and positioning right now.
2. John Edwards - Can't win anywhere in my opinion, showed he was not up to it in 04 (would have lost re-election bid to Senate had he run). However, as a former Veep candidate he is well positioned and has name recognition.
3. Evan Bayh - A moderate liberals can like. Can take a red state or two.
4. John Kerry - By virtue of his network and money. Think he will drop out of top seven over time.
5. Wesley Clark - If he had been better organized, he could have been a force in '04. Will move up or disappear completely.
6. Mark Warner - Similar to Bayh, but not as experienced or connected. A force in the south?
7. Bill Richardson - Has the connections and southwestern appeal. Could be better as a Veep.
Scott’s looking for input. I suggested that Dennis Kucinich will run again, just to make noise, Tom Vilsack might throw in his lot, and Gephardt will run...again. And lose...again. I also think that we would be very lucky if Dick Durbin runs. (Not to dismiss Obama, because he’s just still green is all, but we’re looking at the wrong guy from Illinois right now.)

If you’ve got thoughts, go give Scott your input.

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