The Mississippi GOP criticized Dean last month, alleging the former medical doctor’s favorable stance toward abortion and same-sex civil unions is out of touch with most Mississippians. But Wayne Dowdy, state Democratic chairman, noted leading Republicans who shared Dean’s views.Heh heh heh. Let’s hope this testicle-discovery phenomenon begins to sweep north toward D.C.
“Dr. Dean has the same position on gay unions that Vice President Cheney has,” Dowdy said. “Perhaps (state Republicans) should ask Vice President Cheney to be excused from the Republican Party because he’s so liberal.”
Dowdy also cited former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Republicans who, like Dean, are pro-choice.
Hesiod also makes a good point about what Dr. Dean really represents:
[A] massive grass roots rejection of the obscenely compliant attitude of the Democratic party leadership to George W. Bush and his agenda. […] Howard Dean presents the correct tone: We ain’t going to just play dead.Yer darn tootin’ we ain’t. There’s just so much to be angry about, and so little anger being expressed by the Dems in D.C. Reportedly, some of the blues in the Beltway are nervous about Dr. Dean trying to direct policy if he gets the DNC Chair position. They shouldn’t worry about that; what they need to worry about is that he’s going to capture and reflect back the righteous fury and lust for change that so many of his supporters feel, and if the D.C. contingent can’t muster the same, despite having every reason to, then they risk alienating their grassroots, perhaps irreparably. The Green Party’s always waiting to welcome us (scroll down toward end of post).
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