
Rook and John Aravosis point us in Keith Olbermann’s direction, who has been writing some smart and funny stuff about Dr. Dobson and his evil minions:
It goes back to the core of the Dobsonian point of view here: the fear of the “pro-Homosexual” agenda. That may be the way he delicately phrases it, but it is not shared by most of his followers who emailed me. They were clearly angry that there was no anti-homosexual agenda. And one of the most fascinating things about the studies of homosexuality in this country is that while there is still debate between the creationists and the environmentalists, I’ve never heard anything suggesting that a child is more or less likely to be gay, depending on whether he’s taught not to hate nor be intolerant, of gays.

Schneeberger finishes his piece with the hope that I’ll experience the same kind of epiphany he claims to have in 1997. “Let’s pray, if he ever does, that he comes up with the right answer - and not because it may lead to fairer reporting. But because it may lead to a redeemed life.”

Hey, guys, worry about yourselves. You’re spewing hate, while assuming that for some reason, God has chosen you and you alone in all of history to understand the mysteries of existence, when mankind’s existence is filled with ample evidence that nobody yet has been smart enough to discern an answer.

You might try keeping it simpler: did you help others, or hurt them?

I’ll be happy to be judged on the answer to that question, and if it’s a group session, I don’t expect I’ll find many members of “Focus On Family” in the “done ok” line.

Keith Recommends: Keep It Simple Stupid.

Read the rest. There are three or four entries on the topic, and each one is better than the last.

Tangentially, when someone involved with a Christian activist group of the tenor like that of Focus on the Family says, “Let’s pray, if he ever does, that he comes up with the right answer - and not because it may lead to fairer reporting. But because it may lead to a redeemed life,” do you think that he actually cares about fair reporting or redeemed lives? Something tells me that the greatest benefits of the converted to the likes of Dr. Dobson and friends is having just another sheep to bleat their cause.

If redemption were the goal, it would be bad for business. Forgiveness is a key component of the redeemed life, but forgiveness is the cure for outrage, and without sustained outrage, Dr. Dobson’s bank accounts would just as empty as his soul.

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