Two talking points are emerging on the Right in defense of Rummy’s little scrum with National Guardsman Thomas Wilson.
1. It’s just the perception of the Reservists. Real military men don’t complain like little sissyboys.
2. You people on the Left have no moral authority to question the administration’s decisions since you supported John Kerry, who, as everyone knows, given half the chance would single-handedly wring the neck of each and every American patriot and divert the entirety of the defense budget to the creation of the Department of Adorable Bunnies, of which he would immediately appoint Michael Moore as Secretary.
My response to each of these claims was “Fuck You,” which I thought was succinct, if not especially eloquent.
Graciously, the Rude Pundit has taken the time to properly address each of them more expansively, while retaining the insolent intent behind my two-word reply.
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